If you are unhappy with the care that you have received at Head 2 Toe Osteopathy, then a tiered complaints procedure is in place to support you. Any questions or concerns are always welcome, and these can always be discussed with your Osteopath.

Contact your Osteopath at Head 2 Toe Osteopathy
Your care is of utmost importance and if you do not feel happy then it is crucial you let us know. We would like to be able to resolve the problem swiftly, and learn from your concerns raised. You can call 01883 338 318 or email jon@head2toeosteopathy.com.
Contact the Institute of Osteopathy
If you do not feel like your complaint has been resolved to your satisfaction, then you can speak to an independent source at the Institute of Osteopathy. You can call 01582 488 455 or email enquiries@ioosteopathy.org.

Contact the General Osteopathic Council
If you are concerned about safety and wish to make a formal complaint then you can contact the General Osteopathic Council on 0207 357 6655.